Looking for Daily Progress Report Format? Check out some construction and others multiple project management progress reporting format in single sheet of EXCEL and you can convert this into (PDF+ Word).

In every project in project management, there is always needs updates and progress reports. So daily progress report is basically to keep update the stakeholders and all on-going activities.

Daily project Progress Report Format in Excel

Usually daily project progress report includes so many things, for example date, time, information etc. as well as the information about project, its progress, its working and summary.

In header section daily progress report includes

Title with project name

  • Totally grant – in which, in the project all grant of reports/progress is mention.
  • Duration of the project – what is the time period of the project start, its working, end date? Include all the duration of the project and working.
  • Reporting period – details discussion about the project progress and its working reporting. This is necessary for the reporting purpose of t project.
  • Budgets headings – this is part of different categories, for example
  • Staff – How the staff is working on different given tasks? Are they delivering their work on specific time etc.?
  • Travel and subsistence – in this column all the expenses and other travel subsistence are included.
  • Equipment’s – By including all the equipment’s that are used in the project and its working for the best reporting in project.
  • Dissemination activities – This is the way of process and research the more and more audience with stakeholders. Its purpose to up-take and update all research and availability of the on project to asking and impact.
  • Total budget allocation – define the completely budget of the project and its working.
  • Expenditure of this reporting period – what is use and how to use while working on the project and it’s reporting.
  • Total expenditure to date – From the start of the project all the expenditure related to the project is important till the project is finished.
  • Other information – In this column you can write all other information but relevant to the project. It’s working a reporting, expenses or dissemination etc.

Check out Performance Improvement Plan Template as a related template.

What is Project progress Report?

A detail work that is complete by the team efficiently.

The working process towards of the project and its objective and deliverable is also complete by the team.

As well as the updates of the projects, timeline the tasks which is given to team, status of the project, all are included in.

When to Use?

When to track or communicate with the stakeholder or team member, this is a important report. It can also use in different stages of the project, project initiation, project planning and closure etc.

Daily basis progress reports

Usually company’s makes weekly, monthly or daily basis progress reports. Its purpose is to provide a best way status of the project. in this way you can manage all the working process from start to end of the project.


In this way all the stakeholder can get better information and highlights of projects

Conflicts or issues

Usually managers face different issues during working on project. The report of the project progress is basically success and efforts of the team.

Related Template: Project Work Plan Template in Excel

Track budget expenditure

This is important to track all budget and expenses related to the project. it is very useful to get more and more updated reports regarding project.

Stakeholder decisions

This is necessary for all managers to complete the work so that they can make related potential outcomes.

Final box of project

In this box all the project history define by the managers or stakeholders. How to work and when to finish also discuss in this fact.

Importance of meetings

Make sure all working is done by team. Team provide complete report of working.

Related Article: Gantt Chart in Project Planning

Real-Time Visibility

Communication and Collaboration

Performance Tracking

Risk Mitigation


Clarity and Structure

Who is Responsible for conduction project progress Reporting?

This is the responsibility of every project manager to make project reporting in best way. Sometimes managers make different types of reporting to keep on track the things.

The main purpose is progress reporting to keep on all stakeholders in one frame. So that they can perform well and get all the best reporting of project.

  1. Ultimately, it is easy to find out the either project is on track but not in risk. These are best high level working before reporting.
  2. Ultimately, the project manager is the central figure responsible for ensuring that project progress reporting is conducted effectively.

Usually the managers are main body and responsible of reporting. For example, there is clear and best communication between team and stakeholders OR supporting each other while working, so they can make best project reports.

Here are category of some roles who’s working for reporting (responsible)

You can download Project Cost Tracking Template in Excel from here.

Project managers/supervisors

No doubt all managers or project managers pays a vital role in every project. They always try t give their best for project working. This is highly responsibility of the managers to make progress reporting professionally.

Team member

In project management, team is only work according to guidelines. These guidelines set by the managers. They gives their best in project just complete their responsibility.

Project management team

It is include with all mangers who are working on project in different ideas. Their main purpose is to keep on track all team members.


Usually stakeholder aren’t play vital role but somehow responsible for the progress reporting in project management.

Check out Business Requirements Documents Template as a related template.

Types of project Progress Report with Sample

The three main types of project progress report

  • Letter or emails – These are way of communicate with team and stakeholder
  • Formal reports – These are important and use for the purpose of the project presentation and setting.
  • Memos – this type use for the best interaction while working on it.

Examples of project progress report

  • This is also easy to define with examples that how much work is done in best way. It is also tells about the effort of completion of the project.
  • All working objective step by step is mention.
  • Examples include overviews of progress, resource allocation, and costs. Project performance reports help monitor the project’s current direction and forecast its success.
  • Using performance reports, the team can address issues that are holding the project back.
  • Furthermore, the reporting of project helps to monitor all project working and its direction of success in project management.
  • It is also include resource allocation plan template, project budget, project cost.
  • These project progress reports also use the project performance.

Construction Daily progress Report Template

Different construction companies need a report to track their records. These organizations use the DPR (daily progress report) to monitor the construction site. Its purpose is to direct communicate with team and project party. Include, company owner etc.

Construction template makes sure the all information in one document. This is completely customizing template and allow getting all record for analysis and future projects progress daily reports.

How construction daily progress template works

Template categories in different column


  • Project details – write down the all project details from start to end for easy working
  • Project name – necessary to mention the project name – title – heading etc
  • Project location – where is going to start on project – project working – mention the project location
  • Report date start – when the report is going to start
  • Report creator name – mention the name of manager, stakeholder or person who is going to create the complete report on project. it might be daily basis or weekly basis until the project is done.
  • Weather condition – must check the condition of weather especially in construction
  • General project status – an overview on project working

Work log

  • Name of person, team member
  • Description of working done
  • Number of working hours

Task done in or task in progress

  • Issues in project reporting
  • Delays
  • Safety

Multiple Daily Project Progress Report Format

These project progress template reports are offering different ideas for project reporting. So many projects in organization is create active button for all team member or stakeholders. They can allocate all resources and compete the challenges proactively.

In multiple project status reports include in different columns and categories.

Column A – remaining budget (medium – High _ low)

(Initiation &planning – execution – monitoring – Controlling) = overall

Project analysis – How to write the project analysis in different way

Project design – multiple project are design by the managers for the purpose of different format

Project development – project development is important in all way. These all multiple project are main task for the manager in project management.

Project test – main thing is that to test all project before and working for the best report. The progress report is necessary before the project execution plan.

Project deploy – last but not least project deploy is also important in multiple project for reporting on daily basis.

In multiple project tasks, different project projects put in one frame on one sheet. All performance is mention on the Daily Progress Report Format. Multiple project templates are very important as all performance and tasks are in one template.

You can get complete set of project management tools form project plan excel.

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