Download risk mitigation plan in excel format. After implement risk management in overall project or in project planning phase, you must use risk mitigation template. Through this, you can easily manage any project with proper risk plan.
A project management process is not complete without a risk reduction plan. It’s a report detailing the hazards a project could face and the preventative measures that will be taken.
Risk mitigation plan’s goal is to finish the project on schedule, within budget, and with as little hassle as possible for everyone involved.
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When to use Risk Mitigation Templates?
- Risks are events or circumstances that potentially affect project goals.
- Risk mitigation involves analyzing, addressing, monitoring, and reporting dangers.
- This technique identifies, investigates, and manages project hazards.
- It includes templates and instructions for identifying and prioritizing risks and describes the methods for carrying out, recording, and monitoring risk management activities throughout the project.
- Project managers update and assess it.
- This paper targets project team, sponsor, and management.
Risk Mitigation Procedure
- This section outlines project risk response steps.
- The project manager, team, and sponsors will identify, analyze, and manage risks throughout the project.
- To minimize project risks, they will be detected early.
- Following are the steps to do this.
- The project manager or designee will manage risk.
Risk Identification
- Risk identification encompasses the project team, stakeholders, environmental conditions, corporate culture, and the project management strategy and scope.
- deliverables, assumptions, restrictions, WBS, cost/effort estimates, resource plan, and another project documentation will be carefully reviewed.
- The project library will have an electronic Risk Mitigation Log.
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Risk Analysis
Assessing all hazards will determine project outcomes.
Qualification will establish which dangers should be addressed and which can be ignored.
Qualitative Risk Mitigation Plan Analysis
- The project manager and team will evaluate each risk’s probability and impact:
- High—Over 70% chance of occurrence
- Medium—30%–70% frequency of occurrence
- Low – Probability below 30%
- High – Risk that could significantly affect project cost, schedule, or performance
- Medium – Risk that could modestly impact project cost, schedule, or performance
- Low – Risk that has minimal impact on cost, schedule, or performance
Quantitative Risk Analysis
- This portion of the risk management plan estimates the impact of qualitative risk analysis-prioritized risk events on project work plan and assigns a numerical rating to each risk.
Risk Response Planning
- For each large risk, one of these methods will be chosen:
- Avoid—eliminate the hazard by eliminating the cause
- Mitigate—reduce the risk’s probability or impact
- Accept – Nothing will change.
- Transfer—Outsource, insure, etc.
- The project team will find solutions to prevent or mitigate each risk.
- Prototyping, scheduling, increasing resources, etc.
- To minimize the impact of large risks that are mitigated or accepted, a plan will be created.
Risk Monitoring, Controlling, And Reporting
- Project risk management is monitored and reported throughout the lifespan.
- This project’s status report will include the project team’s top ten risk list.
- Project risks will be assessed for all change requests.
- The Executive Project Status Report will notify management of significant risk status changes.
Tools And Practices
Project team meetings will include a risk log review by the project manager.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The risk mitigation plan template should list the project team’s responsibilities in implementing it.
- This includes choosing the plan’s monitors, controllers, and reporters.
- To properly implement the risk mitigation plan, you must know who is responsible for what.
Communication Plan
- This section describes the communication plan to notify stakeholders on hazards and risk mitigation progress.
- This comprises determining communication frequency, format, accountable parties, and dissemination methods.
- You need a robust communication strategy to keep stakeholders up-to-date and invested in the project at all times.
Budget/ Resource Planning
- This section describes the risk mitigation budget and resource plan.
- This includes identifying resources, the projected cost of implementing methods, and the risk mitigation budget.
- Risk mitigation solutions need a realistic budget and resource plan to work.
Contingency Plan
- If risk mitigation fails, this section will be used. This involves choosing specific actions.
Risk Mitigation Plan Approval
- List signature-seekers. Project Managers, Business Stewards, and Sponsors are examples.
- Add signature lines as needed.
- This document requires signatures, but they are not necessarily necessary to proceed.
What are Main Types and importance Factors in Risk Mitigation Template?
The template includes the following information:
Project Id
Project Name
Project Manager
Ref / Id Activity
Risk Severity
- Acceptable
- Tolerable
- Undesirable
- Intolerable
Risk Likelihood
- Probable
- Possible
- Probable
- Probable
Risk Level
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Extreme
Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies
Risk Severity
- Acceptable
- Tolerable
- Undesirable
- Intolerable
Risk Likelihood
- Improbable
- Improbable
- Possible
- Probable
Risk Level
- Low
- Low
- Medium
- High
Acceptable To Proceed?
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
Risk Mitigation Plan Template in Excel |
Risk Identification |
Risk Assessment |
Risk Analysis |
Risk Mitigation Strategies |
Risk Monitoring |
Contingency Plans |
Communication Plan |
Documentation |
Budget Allocation |
Risk Review Meetings |
Risk Reporting |
Risk Register |
Project Risk Log Template
The template focuses on the following set of information:
- Ref Id
- Risk
- Risk Owner
- Risk Trigger
- Risk Category
- Probability 1 – 3
- Impact 1 – 3
- PI Score Prob x Impact
- Expected Result | No Action
- Positive Risk Response
- Negative Risk Response
- Response Trigger
- Response Owner
- Response Description
Expected Response Impact
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 3
Project Risk Management Plan
The template emphasizes on the following:
Project Ownership
- Project Name
- Project Overview
- Project Manager
- Name
- Contact Info
- Phone
- Mailing Address
- Plan Version
- Version
- Date
- Author
- Reason
- Sections Impacted
- Section Title
- Amendment
- Distribution
- Delivery Method
- Issue Date
- Issued To
- Executive Summary
- Risk Analysis and Evaluation Process
- Development Of Risk Prevention Mitigation Strategies Process
- Review Schedule, Process, And Parties Responsible
- Risk Management Roles And Responsibilities
- Name
- Role
- Responsibilities
- Risk Reporting Process
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Identification
- Risk Overview
- Event Or Threat Triggers
- Risk Register
- Identified Risk
- Current Status
- Risk Mitigation Strategies
- Risk Analysis and Evaluation
- Identified Risk
- Risk Grade
- Potential Impact
- Risk Mitigation
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative Or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Identified Risk
- Mitigation Action: Preventative or Contingency?
- Budgetary Implications
- Proposed Mitigation Action
- Stakeholders Responsible
- Risk Monitoring
- Review Of Risks and Issues
- Review Frequency
- Parties Responsible for Reviewing
- Monitoring
- Monitoring Frequency
- Parties Responsible for Monitoring
Reporting Frequency
Parties Responsible for Reporting
Project Risk Matrix Template
The template encompasses the following data:
Risk Severity
- Acceptable
- Tolerable
- Undesirable
- Intolerable
Risk Likelihood
- Improbable
- Possible
- Probable
- Probable
Risk Level
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Extreme
Department / Location
Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies
Risk Severity
- Acceptable
- Acceptable
- Tolerable
- Undesirable
Risk Likelihood
- Improbable
- Improbable
- Possible
- Probable
Risk Level
- Low
- Low
- Medium
- High
Acceptable To Proceed?
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- No
Main Risk Mitigation Plan Elements in Project Planning
A sample risk mitigation plan should include the following components:
- Individual risk list
- A succinct explanation of each risk
- Analysis and grading of risks based on impact and likelihood of occurrence
- Finding the root cause(s) that generated the risk is known as root cause analysis.
- Plan of action: detailing the actions to be taken to reduce the risk.
- Specialized individual or group
- The action plan’s timeline
- Cost(s) anticipated for reducing the risk
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Usage of Risk Mitigation Planning and Strategy implementation
This risk mitigation strategy plan template helps teams of all sizes and sectors minimize risk.
The template contains a step-by-step guidance to evaluate risks, set goals, and create projects to meet measurable targets.
List Specific Priority Areas
- Risk reduction strategy plan focus areas. Risk Management, mitigation, reaction, and monitoring may be key areas.
- To manage risk, set goals and activities for each priority area.
Consider Objectives For That Particular Area
- Objectives guide risk mitigation.
- Measurable, achievable, and focused goals are best.
- Risk assessment could aim to raise awareness.
Set KPIs For the Goal
- KPIs track progress toward goals.
- KPIs should be specific, measurable, achievable, practical, and timely.
- Risk awareness, risk exposure, and reaction plan completion are KPIs.
Complete KPI-Related Projects
- Projects achieve KPIs.
- Specific projects should have a timetable and budget.
- Projects may involve risk awareness training, risk management policies, and risk response strategies.
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How to Risk Mitigation Implement in any project and Importance?
In conclusion, a successful project management strategy must include an efficient risk reduction approach. You can reduce risks’ effects and improve the likelihood of completing the project’s goals by proactively recognizing and managing risks.
Utilize the sample risk mitigation plan provided above, and keep track of your risk management activities while communicating with others about them and learning from them. With a solid risk mitigation strategy in place, you can confidently handle any project’s unknowns.